Photographer of the Year – January 2025 results

Competition date: 30th January 2025

Media: Print

Subject: Open

Judge: Gareth Martin AWPF CPAGB

1Jeff HoweTo the Front Door20
2Jeff HoweBirthday Cake Pride20
3Dave RussellThe orange sofa19
4Jeff HoweNewport Wetlands IR19
4Chris ChinnickShort eared owl19
6Richard Payton700 years out look18
6David BartonFairytail Castle18
6David BartonRAF Museum18
6Chris ChinnickUrchin18
10David JonesBeach17
10Jane SaundersCoot and chicks17
10Dave RussellImperial war museum – north17
10David JonesMu-um17
10Richard PaytonPuff the Magical Demolition Dragon17
10Jeff HoweReal-Surreal17
10Tim StephensReclining figure at Bowood house17
10Malcolm ThomasSilver17
10David JonesSmell that taste17
10Michael ThomasWaiting for off17
20Jane SaundersA kind face16
20Tim StephensAlone on the wide blue yonder16
20Dave RussellArcade Life16
20Richard PaytonChewed!!16
20Chris ChinnickCommon Hawker16
20Richard PaytonMwnt Chapel Window16
20David JonesNo short cut16
20Chris ChinnickSprinting to the line16
20Michael ThomasTin works NT16
29Malcolm ThomasBroadway15
29Michael ThomasDon’t bother me15
29Michael ThomasTime for fillup15
32Malcolm ThomasJust in time14
32Malcolm ThomasNeedles IOW14
last updated 31st January 2025. Maximum score 20 points.
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